Shaping behavior and communication is hard. Let us increase your odds.

ABA Plate: Reward Plate (PDF Download)


 By using the REWARD PLATE we associate constructive choices with access to favored privileges and associate harmful choices with restricted privileges. Our goal is to incentivize communication, participation, and effective and safe coping by providing motivation for behavior change!

The REWARD PLATE was designed to answer, "why do I have- or not have- access to privileges?"

Comes with:

  • Digital Download with the REWARD PLATE:
    • Generic Levels
    • PECS Slots
  • BCBA written curriculum for parents and paraprofessionals

* Note: Digital Download does NOT INCLUDE laminate, Velcro dots, or any physical product. Pictures may reflect assembled physical product with removable PECS icons.

** NOTE: Pairs well with "Reinforcement Plan" worksheet, to instruct an entire team on consistent reinforcement!